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Product features


Showerhead Sulfer Dispenser & Lid

Landing point & Ventilation Door

Sulfur Outlet

Ventilation Hole

Planning Cycle

The profits generated from selling the product will ultimately be reinvested in both the sulfur solution and the product itself, fostering a positive impact on bee health. We recognize that by ensuring a safe and secure habitat for bees, the local ecosystem becomes a better place to live. With this in mind, the project is dedicated not only to promoting bee health but also to enhancing the prosperity and livability of the community.

Our team and I have discovered a higher-than-expected rate of bee mortality, with Varroa Mites identified as the primary cause among various factors.

In the honey-making process, providing sugar is not the optimal method for supporting bees in honey production.

To address issues such as Varroa mites and simultaneously eliminate the need for sugar, a sulfur solution emerges as the most effective solution.

The solution not only eliminates mites but also promotes healthier bees. Moreover, it introduces sulfur into the soil, addressing a persistent deficiency.

Secondary Research


Why Sulfer?

Our team has made a significant discovery that can help save bees, which are facing a threat to their survival. We found that a sulfur solution, when diluted to a 1:400 ratio, can effectively eliminate varroa mites that are one of the primary reasons for bee deaths. Not only that, but this solution also has a positive impact on overall bee health and enhances the quality of honey. As a result, we have set up an apiary that is equipped to spray the solution, mixed in the correct ratio, within the bee habitat.



Our Process

The bee stands as a vital contributor to the ecosystem, yet its decline poses a devastating threat. This holds profound implications for the Earth's vibrancy, as bees play a pivotal role in infusing the ecosystem with color and creativity. Simultaneously, beekeepers remain vigilant against external threats, ranging from abrupt temperature shifts to interactions with other animals and insects, all while meticulously monitoring the quality of their apiaries.

Problem Discovery

How might we effectively aid bees by eliminating varroa mites and improving their overall health?

How Might We...

Ideation for Product/UX Development Based on Identified Problems

Sketching and Rendering the Product Design

Finalizing Hi-Fi Product Rendering





Secondary Research on Topic

Introducing a new hive designed to protect bees, enhance their health, and improve honey quality. Implemented in our specialized apiary, this marks a significant step in bee conservation.


Winter 2023

24 Hours

Product Design

Research Lead

Fluxathon -





Sejoon Kim

Jeonghwan Cho

My role:




Now that we have identified the reasons to provide sulfur to the bees, our next step is to develop a product that satisfies both the bees and the beekeepers, ensuring their mutual contentment.

Product/UX Development


The product is designed to efficiently distribute the sulfur solution, protecting the bees in the apiary. It is highly recyclable and cost-effectively replaceable.

The product will spray the sulfur into the apiary, and the dripping solution will permeate the soil.

The material used is expanded polypropylene, a lightweight and easily recyclable material that handles temperature variations well.

The solution distribution system will be an automatic system that allows beekeepers to monitor solution distribution, bee health, and potential apiary damage. This will significantly save time for beekeepers.

I see endless opportunities for the development of this product and system. The automatic system in the apiary, along with the internal monitoring system, will reduce the effort required by beekeepers in constantly checking for external threats.

The monitoring system will alert beekeepers to changes in different parts of the apiary. Beekeepers can feel less concerned about environmental impact, as the materials we use are highly recyclable.

For restaurant businesses, providing a certain amount of eggshells (sulfur can be created from eggshells) will also earn them a discount, in addition to the discount earned through returning the jars for recycling."

Opportunity for Improvements


When we were given the theme of "Closing the loop in circularity" for our project, our team was faced with the challenge of finding a solution within 24 hours. Despite the time constraint, my team and I were inspired to create a sustainable solution that would benefit not only the market and customers, but also the larger ecosystem. Our innovative idea and product ultimately helped us secure second place in the challenge.

Working under time pressure.

Swiftly seizing opportunities through research.

Understanding problems on a broader and larger scale.



Take aways

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